
Exhibitors are an important part of the biennial pharmacogenomics conference, helping to create awareness of the range of opportunities pertaining to the PGx field. Through your support, your organization will have a unique opportunity to interact with pharmaceutical and medical professionals, pharmacy students, and other interested parties representing health systems and educational institutions worldwide.


Exhibitor Options

Maroon Exhibitor | $1,000

Virtual “booth” for your organization to engage both synchronously and asynchronously with attendees and share informational and promotional materials. Includes: 

  • Complimentary 3-day conference registration (including case workshop) for up to three team members to view live and recorded sessions (recordings available for 1 year), access to the community boards, and ability to chat with registrants
  • Access to quality leads and ability to schedule meetings
  • Ability to give live talks and/or pre-recorded video to showcase products/services in your booth
  • Create live community chats
  • Email and your company’s website links 
  • Capability to offer promotions such as giveaways to drive traffic to your booth
Gold Exhibitor | $1,500

Limited to six exhibitors

All functionality of the Maroon Exhibitor, plus:

  • Recognition and branding in all conference emails sent to registrants
  • Logo in the header banner on the virtual event platform home page during and for the one year after the conference that the site remains live
  • $100 conference registration discount for additional team members to join the conference